A Clever Incentive To Turn Down Hotel Housekeeping


Hotels are in the business of making money and one way hotels try to save money is by limiting housekeeping expenses. One Hyatt hotel in New Mexico is at least making an honest effort to do that through an incentive that worked for me: food and beverage credit for turning down housekeeping service.

A Reasonable Alternative To Housekeeping: Points Or Cash

Some full-service hotels have tried to convince hotel guests to avoid housekeeping “for the sake of the environment.” Other hotels have made housekeeping every other day or every third day. Still others only offer housekeeping on request. A few have eliminated it altogether. The common factor is simple: an attempt to save money.

On our road trip, we stopped for a couple of nights at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya in New Mexico. The hotel is a full-service property with daily housekeeping service.

I found a “Housekeeping Opt Out Program” placard near the door that said, “Place card on door between 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm with this side facing up to receive $10 food and beverage credit in exchange for refusing houskeeping service tomorrow.”

The other side of the card offered 500 World of Hyatt points.

Guess what? We took advantage of it…it paid for my wife’s lobby Starbucks.

And as much as it is nice to have a clean room with clean towels, we (shudder) made our own beds and (shudder) used our shower towels twice. We’re trying to teach the kids to make their own beds every morning anyway…

Part of the fun of staying at a hotel is being pampered, but I appreciate that this hotel realizes that money talks and that rather than trying to guilt me into “protecting the environment” by reusing my towels, it made it worth my while through a reasonable exchange, a picture of how we address climate change on a more systematic level.

I know there are other hotels across many different brands that offer incentives like this, but it was the first time in all my travels I’ve ever personally seen an offer.

Would you have traded housekeeping for $10 in food and beverage credit or 500 World of Hyatt points?