Deck The Halls: Gruesome Fight In Chicago O’Hare Airport


Chicago O’Hare or Chicago O’Hair? A hair-ripping brawl involving passengers and employees at Chicago’s main airport is a gruesome reminder that the stress of holiday travel is upon us.

Hair-Pulling Fight In Chicago “O’Hair” Airport

I saw this yesterday on Jay Robert’s Instagram page…all I can say is, wow…

View From The Wing found another angle:

We’re glad you’re here
byu/Johnny_Cartel inPublicFreakout

We don’t know what caused this fight, but I’d wager there was a terse exchange that involved the blue-shirt employee that quickly descended into violence. But goodness, the hair-pulling violence in ORD Terminal 3 which also involved wet floor signs and belted stanchions was the kind of thing you hope to never find yourself in the middle of.

Where’s TSA? Where is local law enforcement? I don’t care much for the folks involved in the melee, but the way this fight spread across terminal 3 meant innocent travelers could have been injured.

It’s a bit eerie that just a few days ago I was walking with Heidi down that same check-in lobby. I am certainly thankful we were not there when all thsi was unfolding.

Do be careful out there…and tis the season!