Disgusting: Vile Woman Curses Out, Then Attacks Seatmate On American Airlines Miami Flight


A disgusting woman attacked her seatmate verbally and then physically on an American Airlines flight from Miami to Los Angeles before being thrown off the flight.

Vile Woman Attacks Boyfriend Seatmate On American Airlines For “Looking At Other Woman”

I’ve been covering instances of poor passenger behavior for years on Live And Let’s Fly, but I cannot recall anything as disgusting as the scene captured on video below that unfolded on an American Airlines flight while still on the ground in Miami (MIA). This incident dates back to 2019…you can still see the American Way magazines in the seatback pocket…but a friend sent it to me this morning and I’ve never seen it before. I write about it if for nothing else than as a reminder that poor behavior onboard is not simply a byproduct of the pandemic.

It appears that a couple was traveling together and the woman became enraged that her companion was allegedly looking at other women.

“You want to try to f—ing look at other women, n—er? Nah, f–k you!”

(it should be noted that despite the gratuitous use of the N-word, neither of the two were black).

A flight attendant pleaded with the woman to stop cursing because there were children seated around her, but she just became angrier and cursed even more, telling the flight attendant to butt out.

Her boyfriend eventually had enough and, rising from his window seat, wedged past her to get out. She rose and struck him hard with a laptop computer before trying to follow him down the aisle to attack him even more.

As she was led off the plane, a flight attendant warned her, “You are being charged with assault,” to which she responded, “Fine, whatever.”

Listen you disgusting cow: no wonder your boyfriend is looking around.

I’m not sure whatever happened to her legacy, but I hope that she had to pay the man dearly that she attacked, boyfriend or not.

And to my fellow men out there: if you ever date a woman like this…run away. Fast.

Here’s the very NSFW video. Let this be a warning as well that controlling our emotions is a basic human skill: