I Love These Little Push Carts For Carry-On Bags…
I’m live-blogging my SAS EuroBonus SkyTeam Milion Mile challenge this week. Click here for background and route information.
One thing I love about traveling through Japan, Singapore, or Taiwan is the little push carts available past security for the easy transport of your carry-on bags. What a shame we do not see more of these in the USA!
Even if you are traveling with a relatively easy-to-handle roller, if my laptop bag is on top of it, I’d rather put it on a small cart and push it.
I’m not sure whether it is just something the airport provides or whether the duty free shops provide it to encourage shopping, but we see these mini-carts throughout Asia and it’s so easy to put your carry-on bag and personal items on this little cart and push it to the gate. It’s a little thing, but I mention it because it makes the entire travel experience smoother.
This is also available in Copenhagen (CPH) and Amsterdam (AMS) and I suspect other airports in Europe and Asia as well that I am not thinking of right now.
But I cannot recall a single airport in the USA that offers such carts. Maybe that is because we do not have exit controls, providing a barrier of sorts to the carts leaving the airport concourse? Or maybe because they would quickly be stolen or defaced?
In any case, I’d love to see these at more airports and appreciated so much that TPE had these available while flying through.
Do you ever use these little carts?