Meltdown In Nashville Airport: Intoxicated Woman Flips Out After Dine And Dash Arrest


An intoxicated young woman had a meltdown in Nashville Airport after police were summoned following a dine-and-dash incident at an airport eatery.

Intoxicated Woman Does Not React Well To Arrest In Nashville Airport…

Police body cam footage begins as the woman is approached, with officers asking if she paid her tab. She claims she did and is asked for her ID, which she pulls out from a lanyard around her neck. But she quickly becomes agitated, demanding her ID back and clearly demonstrating public intoxication by her both her words and actions.

She is arrested for public intoxication after trying to grab her ID back from one of the police offers.

At first, she seems to be in a dazed state.

Woman: Public intoxication is not even a thing in Indiana!

Police Officer: We’re not in Indiana, we’re in Tennessee.

Woman: Ok, Tennessee. Ok, Tennessee.  I don’t care where we are. It’s not inappropriate.

She then begins to scream…and scream uncontrollably, calling for help from all within earshot.

Another young woman pulled out her phone and began to record, asking the cops to verify that she was intoxicated.

The woman was led out of the airside area of the airport, down an elevator (where she tried to escape), and out into a service area where a police SUV pulled up to take her to jail.

Her screaming continued as she was placed in the car, but she finally calmed down during the ride to the station.

By the time she arrived, she appeared intoxicated (asking, “What did I do wrong?!”) but also asked, “I can get out of here tonight, right?”

She was charged with:

Theft of services
Public intoxication
Disorderly conduct (charge dropped)
Resisting arrest

The 21-year-old had been reported missing and her mother was summoned to pick her up…

Here’s the video:

My Thoughts

So let me be frank, here. Isn’t it mean-spirited to share this bodycam footage humiliating this woman on what must have already been a bad day if she was running away from home?

Is it right that such bodycam footage is even released publicly at the expense of her dignity?

Those are fair questions…but I’m not sharing this story for its entertainment value. Whatever underlying problems exist or do not exist, we see a very troubled young person and yet I cannot think of a more sobering reminder that overconsumption of alcohol can lead to very adverse consequences. And saying it is not the same thing as showing why…I watch this and I never want to drink again.

Yes, there’s a huge difference between responsible alcohol consumption and not knowing when to stop, but I have more than one friend who has said, “One more won’t hurt” only to walk away staggering and have to be put into an Uber home…

Don’t stretch the limits…it’s just not worth it. This incident occurred in March, though the bodycam footage above was just posted this week, and I hope this woman is doing far better now. And kudos to the Nashville Airport police officers who handled this situation well. Police bodycams are an excellent accountability tool.