New Ad Airbnb Helps Christmas Travelers Avoid ‘Santastrophe’
A new Christmas-themed Airbnb ad highlights hotel challenges for Santa Claus and traveling families.
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New Airbnb Ad Shows How To Avoid a ‘Santastrophe’
A new Airbnb ad shows how to avoid a Santastrophe. The ad showcases the struggles from Santa brining his giant sack of toys through revolving doors, key cards that don’t work, and indifferent front desk reception staff.
This ongoing ad battle, particularly matched on the hotel side by Hilton, is a much cuter way to approach the topic of where to stay during the holidays. The animated nature appeals to both kids and adults especially this time of year. It’s cute, it’s clever, and it sends the point home.
Santa Never Had A Problem At Our Hotel
According to our clinical research, Santa has no problem getting into hotel rooms with or without the chain link lock in place. His magic is not trumped, in fact, by a fireplace as millions of children who live in apartments have discovered.
While this year we will not be in a hotel, we have spent many, many Christmas Eve nights booked in hotels and look forward to seeing what Santa left in the morning.
For those who are looking to track Santa on December 24th, here’s NORAD’s tracker.
Merry Christmas and thank you for spending another year with us here at Live And Let’s Fly.