Sample Quizzes
Free Practice Quizzes to Prepare for Your FAA Exams
Are you studying for a future FAA exam, either at the Private Pilot License level or the Commercial Pilot License level? At, we offer a variety of free sample quizzes to help you study for the various tests you’ll need to take. Our sample exams mimic the knowledge area of actual FAA Knowledge Tests so that you get a real flavor of what to expect on exam day.
What can you expect from our sample quizzes?
Similar Exam Questions: You will have the opportunity to practice questions that are similar in style and content to those you may see on an actual FAA test.
Immediate Results:
Once you have completed each quiz, you will immediately see your score, including detailed explanations of every question. This way, you will understand why the correct answers are right and where you need to focus more.
User-friendly interface:
The quizzes are put on an easy-to-navigate online interactive platform where you track progress and identify your points of weaknesses.
Why use our FAA practice exams?
Our quizzes are developed by aviation professionals who know what it takes to pass the FAA exams. They’re current on the latest FAA standards, so you know you practice with relevant material. The tools will give you confidence, refine your knowledge, and better your chances of success.
Ready to put your skills to the test?
Take a look at our free sample quizzes today! They are a great primer to get you on your way to becoming a certified pilot. To take the quizzes, click below: