The Staggering Cost Of Trump Deportation Flights

The Trump administration is rounding up and expelling undocumented migrants and using Department of Defense aircraft to fly them out of the United States…at a staggering cost. Trump Deportation Flights Come At A High Price From the very start: this is not a pro-Trump or anti-Trump post. I’m not interested here in discussing the merits…

Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants Given “Final Offer” With Warning

Flight attendants at Alaska Airlines have been presented with a revised contract offer that comes with a warning from the union negotiating on their behalf: ratify this or forget about any pay raise for years to come. New Tentative Contract Agreement For Alaska Airlines Flight Attendants Comes With Warning Hailing a “short but vigorous” round…

Lunch On Azerbaijan Airlines

My Meal of the Week feature examines an airline meal from my travels over the years. This may be a meal from earlier in the week or it may be a meal served over a decade ago. Today, I thought we’d take a look back more than 11 years to lunch I had on Azerbaijan Airlines. Lunch…